Well I couldn’t go with anything else could I…

Ah such comedy… this is why the Premier League is the best in the world.
I’m still convinced that this is the BIGGEST ever April Fools prank being played on us by the Barcodes, but until proved otherwise…
Then again with their current perilous position I wouldn’t think they’d be in the mood for a jest.
But if you look at the headlines… even if it wasn’t April 1st it still reads like an unfunny jape.
Seriously ? Appoint a BBC sofa/chair pundit who can’t even talk a good game (but admittedly could play one), one with no football management experience (because that is working so well at Middlesbore isn’t it) and put him in charge of (ah who are we kidding here) a “big” Premier League club – and with the 8 games left – guide them to safety ?

I have to give props to this current Geordie messiah* and Keegan’s best mate (kidding !) though for finally putting the money where is mouth is… or something like that.. and taking this HUGE gamble on his reputation. We’ll know in a few weeks whether this is the canniest (ah here we go with the puns) move ever, or if he’s got a backup plan to leg it back to MoTD when it all goes tits up.
Which he probably has.
*Anybody who has scored at least 1 goal for the club qualifies.
– If it does happen and they find themselves playing Championship football next season and if they want to continue on this Geordie messiah (see above) telly pundit with no experience route then there’s always Warren Barton, currently filling the “experts” chair on the Fox Soccer Channel…
Hey what about Hughton and Calderwood though ? It was only a few days ago that the Tynesiders were putting their faith in these two – and that other Joke/innear – to save them from doom. (Thanks and don’t let the door his your ass on way out). 24 hours is indeed a long time in football.
» I had these lined up a while ago and fortuitous timing because of Mike Ashley’s last minute panic decision…
– Don’t know who is singing this. They use the tune from that bloody annoying “Heeey baby (ooh, ah)” song:
» Unknown Artist – Hey Shearer
– This one is done by “Dingo” and has complicated lyrics: “Shearer, Shearer/Shearer, Shearer..” – repeat until fade:
» Dingo – Shearer Shearer
– –
Update: It just gets better (or worse depending on how you look at it) – Quasimodo will be joining him as his Number 2.
I wish they would stop using “the Newcastle Revolution” in their headlines – this is the third Barcode “revolution” this season.
– This one then, courtesy of JC at the VV because…
» That Joke Isn’t Funny Anymore(The Kinnear or this new Dowie one)