In the tradition of this website and the unimaginative titled posts, here is another. The tunes today are all about the tall bloke at the back, the weirdo always shouting things. The footballing version of the drummer in the band.
Harold Spiro – Football and Music Songwriting Legend
You’ve never heard of him, but he was the greatest football song writers of all time…
The Worst (Football) Song Ever ?
What if you took some famous football managers, put them in the studio and got them to sing a terrible song ?
Song For A Team – Premier League Edition
A track selected for every team playing in the 2017-18 Premier League season.
Top Of The Pops – The FA Cup Edition
A slight misnomer with the title because there are only a couple of clips in relation to TOTP, the others come from various other TV shows. Yes I am clickbaiting you now.
Top Of The Pops – The Football Edition
I should have been doing this since the beginning, this is the first of a what I hope is a regular series of football and musical videos. Beginning with an episode of a long running, much missed TV show…
Premier League Songs – Every Team
Following on from the 2014 World Cup Song – Every Team project – here’s the domestic version for the Premier League.
“Martin To Ossie And Bang”
Those are some lyrics to a song about the England team from 1970, do they ring a bell ? Chris needs your help. He’s got …
The Footballers In Video Challenge
This started out as challenge via Twitter – to find a music video where a football player makes an appearance…