Fatt Bladder did his best to stop these files from being leaked (by trying to sit on me) but the truth will out !
The World Cup Is Still On Y’Know
I know many of you have switched over to see how the British (currently 56%) Scottish hope is doing, but there’s still some decent matches …
World Cup Mashups
As it stands (this post being written after the ITA v NZL game & before the Brazil one) it will be Holland and Argentina for …
Vuvuzela and Music
You knew this one was coming… One of the highest searches to the site was: “vuvuzela sound clip” but I have bad news for all …
The Makarapa And The Vuvuzela
You’d better get used to the match TV director switching to shots like this: You will be constantly seeing this image and I can guarantee …
The World Cup in South Africa…
… Just look at that headline… It is truly a historic event. I know that the rugby World Cup was there first, but that only …