You’ve never heard of him, but he was the greatest football song writers of all time…
Best & Marsh
Tony Wilson, George Best, Rodney Marsh and a theme tune from New Order…
Georgie Best – Superstar
There were many different versions of that song, but when I were a kid the one was about the style of walk and a certain bit of woman’s attire that he allegedly wore.
Rodney Marsh – A Life
Profiling another one of these 1970’s long haired ruffian football players, this time it is Rodney Marsh under the spotlight…
Les Barrett Sang
Sadly for us. But no I’m being unkind. Judge for yourself before making your own mind up. Quick background: Les Barrett was a Fulham Football …
[Video] Deuce Is On Fire
Originally posted on The Offside Rules. Football Mundial profile/interview with Clint Dempsey: – Link to video » Also known as Deuce
Septic Soccer Spain Success
Hello and thank to to for the thousands of hits straight after the match. Reflecting on yesterday and cashing in on the sudden attention …