I am an active user on Twitter, it is useful communicator in the way the other social media giant Facebook, isn’t. If things go viral it’s because of tweets. When something happens you are updated live, instantly. In fact during the World Cup I discovered because of this instancy, if anyone scored during a match I saw a tweet about the goal even before it appeared on my TV. (Doesn’t help that I am in the USA and they have a 30-second nipple delay on all live coverage). I decided to go Twitter silent after this to stop the spoilers.
Another good thing is that you can set up an account to tweet just about one subject if you like. There are tweetbots with their only purpose to tweet Morrissey lyrics for example. There are also people out there who actively maintain an account with a single minded purpose. Today I am going to feature one which was set up by @clancy06, who is a Celtic FC supporter based in Limerick, Ireland.
The sole aim of this twitter account is to tweet about nothing but:
One of the things I like about this account is that it has the same policy as F&M – not to post any songs of hatred. Just the ones that sing of pride about your club.
I’ve gone through his tweets and selected a few tunes which for me show variations (it’s not all accordions you know) on a theme.
» As everyone knows the first British team to win a European Cup – that was Celtic in 1967, the Lisbon Lions:
» A rock n’ roll singalong for Glasgow Celtic FC:
» This one I like – it’s from Willie Keane, a teacher in Salford who got his school choir to sing about the Celtic left back Emilio Izaguirre:
A very catchy song which wouldn’t be out of place in the charts. It’s from a band called Charlie and the Bhoys, who like that Twitter account only does one thing. They only sing about Celtic:
» I asked Colm, who runs the @oldcelticsongs account what he recommends as a good listen. He pointed out this one, Four Leaf Clover, by MandolinePete. The subject of this song is about Celtic’s near demise in the ’90’s when they were facing bankruptcy, but were saved by Fergus McCann.
> Lyrics
» Last one for now (thinking of making this a two-parter) is a beautiful balled about the founding of the club – Field Of Dreams (An Gorta Mor) :
Once again that Twitter account to follow if you are a Celtic fan: