For the last in this mini-series – a postscript: Additional notes, comments and music surrounding “King Eric”

⇒ What about the man himself ? What does he now, think of what happened back then ?
He gave a short inverview to the BBC back in 2011 to answer that:

What was probably even more notorious was that bizarre statement he gave after the incident.
⇒ Here is Baddiel and Skinner on Fantasy Football League with their take on that speech:

⇒ And here’s some music:

Autumn Comets are a Spanish group. Were they singing about the event of his statement ? I don’t know.

⇒There’s a French rapper (his blog here) who has recorded a track about him.
Is it any good ? I don’t know French so I can’t tell you.

⇒ Repubblica Sports, the Italian news website on their blog look at how the image below has become an icon and how Eric is now pure art.

(Try the )

⇒ Some downloads now:

⇒ Then there’s err… this…

» Superpunk – Eric Cantona Stomp

And finally...

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