- We’ve looked at what he did after he stopped playing.
- We’ve looked at that notorious incident from twenty years ago.
For the last in this mini-series – a postscript: Additional notes, comments and music surrounding “King Eric”
⇒ What about the man himself ? What does he now, think of what happened back then ?
He gave a short inverview to the BBC back in 2011 to answer that:
What was probably even more notorious was that bizarre statement he gave after the incident.
⇒ Here is Baddiel and Skinner on Fantasy Football League with their take on that speech:
⇒ And here’s some music:
Autumn Comets are a Spanish group. Were they singing about the event of his statement ? I don’t know.
⇒There’s a French rapper (his blog here) who has recorded a track about him.
Is it any good ? I don’t know French so I can’t tell you.
⇒ Repubblica Sports, the Italian news website on their blog look at how the image below has become an icon and how Eric is now pure art.
20 anni fa il calcio kung fu di #Cantona. Oggi l'ex di #ManUtd è diventato un'icona #popart http://t.co/DmTzZI0Ev5 pic.twitter.com/IFPrD1MNFl
— Fabrizio Bocca (@fabriziobocca1) January 23, 2015
(Try the )
⇒ Some downloads now:

⇒ Then there’s err… this…
» Superpunk – Eric Cantona StompAnd finally...