I’ve previously posted something about Kammy but as you know he’s always worth another mention.

For this instance it’s in relation to a campaign to get football fans to volunteer in their local communities – AND – if you sign up you could win tickets to see a Premier League game.
Vinspired, the national young volunteers service have recently teamed up with the Premier League in an attempt to get more people volunteering in Football. This partnership means that young people (between 16-25) who sign up get the chance to win tickets to see their favourite team in action.
You can read more about it via: www.vinspired.com/football – this from that page:
“Make the Team is v’s new campaign to persuade football fans to volunteer in their local communities.
Volunteering at your local football club offers you a chance to really get involved with the game that you love, even if you don’t play it yourself. There are hundreds of opportunities to choose from; whether you’ve got one minute, one day or one week to spare.
As a volunteer, you’ll be part of our national volunteering team AND have the chance to win tickets to see Premier League Clubs!
Anyone who volunteers will automatically be entered into our prize draw to win one of numerous pairs of match day tickets, courtesy of Premier League.
Local clubs are a great place to not only play football, but also make life long friends. You can be part of that, learn new skills and make a difference at the same time. Go on, make the team!”
As somebody who many years ago volunteered at my local football club and I know that the effervescent Danny Last over at EFW would also give this his full backing (recently he was at Lewes FC helping to decorate at the club). It is a great thing to volunteer, especially with your local team. There’s nothing that beats the reward of helping out.

But just don’t take my word for it, have a listen to the aforementioned Kammy talk about volunteering and how good it is:
So don’t hang about go and sign in or register on the Vinspired site and then go and have a look through the opportunities. There’s loads of stuff, such as being a football tannoy announcer or there are many, many opportunities for coaching.
– There’s one here for blogging about the Make The Team initiative. Hey I could do that…
Extra Time:
We can’t finish until we’ve had the traditional pie in the face – AKA – some Klassic Kammy: