That maFIFA boss Fatt Bladder did his best to stop these files from being leaked (he tried to sit on me) but the truth will out !

Now for the first time anywhere… not really …some information has reached us about various international teams that would like it if you didn’t hear the following songs.   In truth you yourself would probably like it if you didn’t hear them either.

Or read the following text.

We first start with a serious note…

Iranian Women's Team

The above image is of the Iranian women's team.

As we all know the corrupt FIFA association awarded the 2018 to Russia, who are known not only for being oil rich but for being a bit racist too.   So what are the chances of FIFA doing another anti-racism campaign, as they did in the last World Cup ?

Qatar, the winners of the 2022 bid are again like the above, oil rich – they also very homophobic. So what of the chances of FIFA… ah actually they’ve done nothing about this…

They are also shooting themselves in the foot because despite awarding the World Cup to the Arab nation of Qatar – FIFA themselves are Islamaphobic.

– This is via From A Left Wing, who wrote last April about the news that Iran couldn’t enter their women’s team into the Youth Olympic Games if the athletes play in headscarves.

To be precise the decision came from the Internation Football Association Board, which FIFA has four votes in these decisions. They demanded that these women either remove their headscarves (hijab) or withdraw from the competition.

– Talking of Iran… who are well known for their racism, homophobia and anti-Semitism… the men’s team qualified and played in the 2006 World Cup, in which there was some outrage before the tournament because their President Ahmadinejad was thinking about attending.

The Iranian Prez

What you didn’t know though was that Iran also had an official 2006 World Cup song:

DJ Aligator Feat. Arash – Iran Iran

– Fast forward to the last (2010) World Cup there was a song for the South Korea team, which also has a link to a previous World Cup effort by the German team AND a tune done for a certain Everton player…

A couple of popular groups from South Korea teamed up to record a version of a very, very familiar song. Those groups were Brown Eyed Girls, a 4 member manufactured girl group – and 4minute who are a 5-member err… manufactured girl band…

The track that they covered (not at all cashing in here, oh no) was the Village People classic:

» Watch more Brown Eyed Girls here and more from 4minute here. Warning: You will cringe.

Related: Somebody reworded the above tune in tribute to Duncan Disorderly.

Also Related: Jurgen Klinsmann is really, really into the Village People.

Talking of Germany…

Again this is from the 2010 World Cup and over in Germany their entertainment media was pretty much the same as England (and South Korea above) – Money to be made and crap products to be released.

The money for old rope in this instance comes from a band who like the featured artists in the Footieleaks : The England Files post are also big in Germany. You may have heard of them – a showbiz act who like the Village People also like to dress up..

Right Said Fred

What they did is take one of their own songs and cover that. The original I wrote about a while ago where I mentioned that because of the ambiguous lyrics the tune could be taken and used by anybody and for anything.
Which is what exactly what happened and that must have pleased the Fairbrass brothers.

– They teamed up with Höhner (a band from Cologne) and co-sung this one which appeared on a tenuous link to football album.

» Right Said Fred feat. Hohner – Stand Up (For The Champions)

..and there was a video:

This wasn’t the first time the song was franchised, in 2009 it was Stand Up For The Saracens.

Extra Time: Usually I bung in an extra couple of tracks from the featured artists, but this time I’m going to highlight some more cover versions – cover versions of some Right Said Fred songs actually. It was in 1992 and Heavenly Records released the Fred EP, with acts on their label recording the covers. All profits from the release went to the Terence Higgings Trust.

Fred EP
» Flowered Up – Don’t Talk Just Kiss

» Saint Etienne – I’m Too Sexy

» The Rockingbirds – Deeply Dippy

Another Footieleak file very soon.

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