After their Semi-Final wins I was hoping that musical fans of both [2009 FA Cup] teams would rush into their studios to record something…

… but alas and as far as I know (please update me if this isn’t the case) nobody has bothered.
Last year’s finalist (and winners) Pompey didn’t either, but luckily for us a local radio station held their own competition. / Cardiff went one better when a locally born musician actually took the time to record (with the team) and release something. Props to you James Fox.
So for this one we have to delve into the F&M archive and repost something from each side.
– First I’m going to feature a couple of tunes done by the teams themselves…
Funnily enough both of the following were recorded in 1984. This one by a Chelsea team who were celebrating (in song thankfully for us) their escape from the 2nd Division:

This is all 80's synth drenched but this is one of my favourites.
1-nil to Chelsea there. But here’s Everton with a reply and their (again synth-laden) single recorded for the 1984 FA Cup Final – which they won:

Ooh a bit wobbly with that one… checks with the linesman… yes it crossed the line but still unsure.
Half time and one-all: We now fast forward to the mid and later 90’s…
– Taking the lead in this musical game is Everton who got The Farm, much featured here (and even though some of the band were fans of the red half of Liverpool) to re-record one of their famous tunes for the 1995 FA Cup – they won that one too – Final:

The score is now two-one to Everton.
– But here is Chelsea on the counter-attack with the lead singer of Madness and this one for the 1997 FA Cup Final, which they won:

And they get the equaliser.
Final whistle after normal time in this musical final and just like when these two met in the league season (both nil-nil draws home and away) there’s nothing to separate the teams.
It’s time for you to decide then:
I’ll post something from the new cup holders next week.
UPDATE: I noticed from the stats there are lots of visits to the site from the North West.
They are all looking at this posting plus this one about Johnny Todd – aka the Z-Cars theme – aka the music that Everton run out to.
great site coyb 4 2day tofee fan enjoy.