After some time in the doldrums, Scotland’s 3rd favourite sport after Curling, Golf and Fishing… *pauses*
…Their 4th favourite sport after curling, golf, fishing. And tossing the caber.
I’ll start again.
Scottish football has been flourishing as of late. With Celtic and Rangers beating some decent competition in the Champions League and DaveC would like to remind us of the mighty Aberdeen doing alright in the Mickey Mouse UEFA Cup too.
The national team are on the run in the Euro 2008 qualifiers and at the moment are sitting pretty at the top Group B after beating France. Twice.
Now they go into Saturday and Wednesday full of confidence and I hope that they do make it to the finals. No I do really.
A warning on the musical side though – I hope they don’t end up with some Scottish ‘contemporary’ artists as they did in a previous major tournament finals they qualified for – The 1998 World Cup, which funnily enough took place in France.
There can’t have been anybody available at that time, so they got lumbered with the only charting Scotia act – Del Amitri.
But the track they recorded to accompany the squad in the Finals cursed them. Entitling the song: “Don’t Come Home Too Soon” tempted fate too much and after a loss, a draw and then a result that took them to a new low that they didn’t experienced again until Berti Vogts.
So here’s a reminder to whoever at the Scotia FA that chooses a current ‘contemporary’ artist to record a song for next summer. Choose very carefully, don’t fall into that trap again.*
* Unfortunately they did, but that’s another story for another day…

»Del Amitri – Don’t Come Home Too Soon SONG OFFLINE
Together with yesterday’s entry, further proof (as if it was needed) that apart from Radiohead & Nirvana, the ’90’s was a sh it pointless decade.
Still don’t believe me ? Have a look at the top 20 charts for the 1998 World Cup year.
The title of this post was inspired by this article.
Reminds me of the great quote on BBC Reporting Scotland by a bloke in the street after the Argentina debacle:
“We should’ve given them the send-off when they cam back…”*
(Just before the disastrous Scots showing in Argentina, the SFA and Ally MacLeod arranged for the entire Scotland squad to parade at Hampden before climbing aboard an open-topped double-decker bus to do a few laps…I still have nightmares.)