England supporters

UPDATE: Poll has closed. Find out who won here.

In the first few rounds there was a small interest/participation, but this last round saw some real competition between the two candidates. After the first day of the post & poll appearing for round 4 there were three votes. At that time it was 2-1 in favour of…

One of the competitors, and then it really started to heat up when fans from one side voted for their song. It went to 80% in their favour and for a few days it stayed like this. But then supporters for the other ‘team’ spoke up and the voting swung their way and at poll close the eventual winner is…

God Save Our Team

For the 2nd week running. Well done to them and commiserations to The Laddz. Well played all.

So now it will be a challenge for their supporters, will they continue to vote for them or will the fans of this week’s challengers turn up in numbers ?

But first a recap of the winning song:

- Link to video

We don’t need your Ronaldo, don’t need your Robinho
Don’t need Torres, Messi, Kaka – our defence blunts your attack

And we don’t need Iniesta, we don’t need your Arshavin
Don’t need Ballack, Xavi, Klose – our midfield is taking over

Come on, come on England
Come on, come on England

We don’t need Cannavaro, don’t need Carlos Puyol
You’d need Baresi and Costacurta – players like ours are bound to hurt ya

We don’t need Alex Ferguson, don’t need your Morinho
Don’t need Hiddink or Scolari – we are Fabio’s barmy army

Come on, come on England
Come on, come on England

We’re gonna score one more than you!

Bobby Moore is watching over us
Jackie Milburn watching over us
Dixie Dean is watching over us
Billy Wright is watching over us

Duncan Edwards watching over us
Stanley Matthews watching over us
Bobby Robson watching over us
Alf Ramsey watching over us

Now, come on England!
Come on, come on England!

– I have a snippet of an interview the creator of this tune talks about how he came up with the song:

“…The thing about football fans is that we’re surprisingly good at knowing our story. When the PFA surveyed each club’s fans for an all-time favourite, the astonishing thing was how many of the resulting players were from forty, fifty, or sixty years ago – far before most present fans were born. But football fans know their history; we know our story. And it’s the same with supporting England, we don’t just support the players on the pitch; we support the whole unfolding epic and regard ourselves as part of it too (which is why we say ‘come on!’ rather than ‘go!’ and we talk about ‘we were rubbish’ and not ‘they’, like other countries do).

With all that running around in my head, clumping along those cold, stone streets, I started whispering ‘Come on, come on England’ in time with my steps, and there was my chorus. I started thinking about all the great players are around that we don’t support, simply because they aren’t playing for England, and there were the verses. Then I got daydreaming about all the legendary names who’ve long-since died – the Dixie Deans, the Jackie Milburns – and how they might still be watching & singing with us, and there was my third section. I had a song.”

Purchase this song via iTunes.
– More info is on their MySpace page or via their Facebook Fanpage.

– – –

So then who will take on this two week champion ?

Step forward B:Army also known as: Mowing The Lawn.

Mowing The Lawn

They have an interesting… approach on this one.
Via their Facebook Fanpage:

“In protest against all the world cup songs out there that actually mean something, let’s try and get Mowing The Lawn into the charts. If we can get 100,000 people to join [their Facebook] group and then 5% of us buy Mowing the Lawn on iTunes when it’s released in May, we should be able to get into the top 40. If we do, I’ll push a lawnmower around Leicester Square in my St George underpants.”

At the time of writing they have 361 fans…

Because that’s how we do things here – an audio version of their video:

B:Army - Mowing The Lawn B:Army - Mowing The Lawn:

Stream only – This song will be available for sale via iTunes in May.

– Find out more info on Mowing The Lawn via their Facebook Fanpage.

So once again – time to decide who goes through to the next round:

God Save Our Team v B:Army

As per usual the results and next round same time next week.

– If you want to submit a song to be featured then Contact us here.

One Reply to “A Song For England Round 5: God Save Our Team v B:Army”

  1. Mowing da lawn has got my vote!

    PS – I really thought the Laddz would win last round, “Chant” is by far the best song out there! Wish I’d got more mates to vote for it now, I thought it would win hands down. Ah well, that’s football for ya

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